George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1

Just after Claude Fuess `` came into power with Hitler and Mussolini '' in 1933, Fuess
brought Darling in to teach. Dr. Darling was head of the Andover history department
from 1937 to 1956, and Faculty Guardian of one of the secret societies. His Political
Changes in Massachusetts, 1824 to 1848 covered the period of Andover's eclipse by
Boston's aristocratic opium lords. Darling's book attacks Andover's greatest
humanitarian, Jedidiah Morse, as a dangerous lunatic, because Morse warned about
international criminal conspiracies involving these respectable Bostonians. The same
book attacks President John Quincy Adams as a misguided troublemaker, responsible
with Morse for the anti-freemasonic movement in the 1820s-30s.

Arthur Burr Darling, while still head of Andover's history department, was chosen by the
Harrimanites to organize the historical files of the new Central Intelligence Agency, and
to write the CIA's own official account of its creation and first years. Since this cynical
project was secret, Darling's 1971 obituary did not reflect his CIA employment.@s2@s5
Darling's The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of Government, to 1950 was
classified Secret on its completion in December 1953. For 36 years it was only to be
consulted for self-justification by the Harrimanites. This mercenary work was finally
declassified in 1989 and was published by Pennsylvania State University in 1990.
Subsequent editions of Who Was Who in America were changed, in the fashion of Joe
Stalin's `` history revisers, '' to tell the latest, official version of what George Bush's
history teacher had done with his life.


Having met his future wife Barbara, Poppy Bush returned from the Christmas holidays
after New Year's Day, 1942, for his final months at Andover. The U.S. entry into World
War II made things rather awkward for Bush and some of his schoolmates, and cast a
dark shadow on his future.

Since early 1941, the Justice Department had been investigating the Nazi support
apparatus among U.S. firms. This probe centered on the Harriman, Rockefeller, Du Pont
and related enterprises, implicating George's father Prescott, his partners and the Bushes'
close family friends.

On March 5, 1942--at about the time Poppy Bush and Rocky Rockefeller were
contemplating the tortures they would inflict on the Class of 1943 A.U.V. recruits--the
Special Committee of the U.S. Senate Investigating the National Defense Program began
explosive public hearings in Washington, D.C. The subject: cartel agreements between
U.S. and Nazi firms that should be hit with anti-trust actions. Pearl Harbor, the draft of
American boys, and these sensational hearings were causing a popular attitude quite
dangerous for the higher-level Nazi collaborators (see Chapter 2).

But on March 20, 1942, Henry L. Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War and president of
Andover prep's Board of Trustees, sent a memorandum to President Franklin Roosevelt
recommending stopping the investigations of the U.S.-Nazi trusts: the resulting lawsuits
would `` unavoidably consume the time of executives and employees of those

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