Practice Makes Perfect

(nextflipdebug2) #1
knife knives
leaf leaves
shelf shelves
wife wives
wolf wolves

Certain other nouns form their plural in completely irregular ways. Fortunately, the list is quite

child children
mouse mice
foot feet
person people (or persons)
goose geese
deer deer [no change!]
man men
woman women
tooth teeth
ox oxen

Write the plural form of the following words.

  1. house 9. candy

  2. wife 10. veto

  3. ox 11. deer

  4. fox 12. factory

  5. tooth 13. leaf

  6. mouse 14. university

  7. fez 15. jury

  8. person

Change each noun in the following sentences to the plural. Make any necessary changes to the verbs.

  1. The boy is chasing the little mouse.

exercise 11-2

exercise 11-1

66 Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners

04 (062-076) Units 10-13 11/3/04 1:41 PM Page 66

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