Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
unterfordern ‘to underwork/ask too little of ’
unterschätzen ‘to underestimate’
untertreiben ‘to understate’
widersprechen ‘to contradict’
widerstehen ‘to resist’
widerstreben ‘to oppose/go against’
wiederholen ‘to repeat’ (this is the only inseparable verb beginning with
wieder- ‘again’)


über*fahren ‘to cross over (usually water)’
über*gehen ‘to transfer to’
um*reißen ‘to pull down (buildings)’
unter*bringen ‘to accommodate/find a place for’
wider*hallen ‘to echo’
wider*spiegeln ‘to reflect/mirror’
(The latter are the only two separable verbs beginning with wider- ‘against’.)

37 Reflexive verbs

37.1 These are verbs with a reflexive object, i.e. an object which refers back to the subject of
the verb:

Ich wasche mich.
I wash (myself).

However, not all German reflexives can be translated by ‘myself ’, ‘yourself ’, etc.

37.2 The reflexive pronoun has an accusative and a dative form. Note how the pattern
is basically the same as for the personal pronoun (see 30.2b) except for the use
of sich:

37.3 Most verbs which can be used reflexively can also be used as normal transitive verbs (see
33.8a). Note the following patterns:

(a) Er rasiert sich.
He shaves (himself).

Subject Reflexive

Accusative Dative

ich mich mir
du dich dir
Sie (sing. and pl.) sich sich
er/sie/es/man sich sich
wir uns uns
ihr euch euch
sie sich sich

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