Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

46.2 The so-called zero-declension endings are used:

(a) When an adjective is not preceded either by an article ( 22 ) or by a determiner ( 24 ):
Roter Wein gefällt mir am besten.
I like red wine best.
Ich empfehle Ihnen frisches Obst.
I recommend you eat/buy fresh fruit.
Ich mag den Geschmack frisch gebackenen Brotes.
I like the taste of freshly baked bread.
Bei schönem Wetter gehen wir oft wandern.
In nice weather we often go walking.

(b) After ein paar ‘a few’:
Ich habe ein paar gute Freunde in Berlin.
I have a few good friends in Berlin.

 See also 59.1e (p. 150).
(c) After any numeral other than one:
Ich habe sechs alte Weinflaschen gefunden.
I’ve found six old wine bottles.

 See 75.5 (p. 245).

46.3 Following etwas ‘something’, viel ‘much’, wenig ‘little’, nichts ‘nothing’ and allerlei
‘all kinds of’, the adjective declines like a zero-declension neuter adjective and usually
begins with a capital letter:

The genitive form is rarely found.
Ich habe wenig Neues zu berichten.
I have little new to report.
Wir brauchen etwas Konkreteres.
We need something more concrete.

 See^48 (pp. 125–8) on comparison of adjectives.
Er ist mit allerlei Neuem nach Hause gekommen.
He came home with all sorts of new things.

 See 10.5a (p. 15) for nichts, vieles and weniges.

46.4 After the indefinites einige ‘some/a few’, etliche ‘several’, folgende ‘following’,
manche ‘some’, mehrere ‘several’, viele ‘many’ and wenige ‘few’, the adjective also
takes zero-declension endings (though manche can have a following adjective with
a der-declension ending):
Wir haben wenige kalte Tage gehabt.
We had few cold days.


nichts Interessantes ‘nothing of interest’
nichts Interessantes
nichts Interessantem
nichts Interessanten

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