Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
(b) Adjectives formed from numerals also end in -er and do not decline:
In den fünfziger Jahren hatten wir ja wenig Geld.
Of course we had little money in the fifties.
 See 81.4 (p. 287).

47.2 Spelling of certain adjectives

(a) The adjective hoch loses its c in declined forms:
Die Kosten sind zu hoch.
The costs are too high.
Sie erstiegen den hohen Fernsehturm.
They climbed the high television tower.
In den hohen Bergen ist es immer viel kühler.
Up in the (high) mountains it’s always a lot cooler.
(b) The e preceding the final -l, -n and -r is lost in declined forms:
Die Firma ist nicht mehr rentabel.
The firm/business is no longer viable.
die unrentable Firma
Er erzählt ungeheure Lügen.
He tells outrageous lies.
Das war ein miserables Spiel.
That was a rotten game.
Der Mann in der dunklen Jacke.
The man in the dark jacket.
Infolge des sauren Regens sind hier viele Bäume gestorben.
Many trees have died here as a result of acid rain.
 See also 20.7 (p. 33).
Note also Basler from Basel in 47.1a above.

47.3 Non-declinable adjectives

Certain adjectives do not take case endings. There are three main categories here:
(a) Adjectives used exclusively in spoken German, such as klasse, prima, super, all of
which have similar meanings:
Der ist ein prima Typ.
He’s a smashing/really nice person.
 See 74.4 (p. 232).
Wir hatten eine super Zeit bei euch.
We had a great time at your place.
(b) The colour adjectives beige, lila, orange, rosa:
Sie trug ein rosa Kleid.
She wore a pink dress.
Sie liebt die lila Hose.
She loves the purple trousers.

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