Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
Birgit ist fast so groß wie Maria.
Birgit is almost as tall as Maria.

The comparison can be reinforced by genauso or ebenso (see also 105.2):

Dieser Film ist genauso langweilig wie der von letzter Woche.
This film is just as boring as last week’s.

In Italien im Sommer ist es ebenso heiß wie in Griechenland.
Italy is just as hot in summer as Greece.

Comparatives can also be reinforced by the use of a preceding noch or viel, and
superlatives by the use of aller- or bei weitem:

Dieser Anzug ist noch billiger.
This suit is even cheaper.

Diese Aufgabe ist viel langweiliger.
This task is much more boring.

Sie ist zur Zeit die allerschnellste Radfahrerin der Welt.
She is currently the fastest cyclist in the world.

Das ist bei weitem seine beste Leistung.
That is by far his best performance.

(b) In the superlative, English ‘of’ is expressed by von or the genitive case:

Unser Kaninchen war das schönste von allen.
Our rabbit was the prettiest of them all.

Das ist ja das schwierigste unsrer vielen Probleme.
That is certainly the most difficult of our many problems.

(c) When used in the comparative, attributive adjectives can express the sense of
‘fairly’ or ‘quite’:

Sie haben eine kleinere Summe verlangt.
They demanded a fairly small sum (of money).

(d) ‘More and more’ in a comparative phrase is conveyed by German immer and the
predicative comparative adjective (see 43 ):

Die Situation wird immer ernster.
The situation is getting more and more serious.

Die Nächte werden immer kälter.
The nights are getting more and more cold/colder and colder.

(e) English ‘the more... the more’ is expressed in German by je + -er ... , um so -er or
desto -er (see 82.1):

Je schneller du es machst, um so früher kriegst du das Geld.
The quicker you do it, the sooner you get the money.

Je länger wir die Antwort hinausschieben, desto schwieriger wird es
für sie sein.
The longer we delay answering, the more difficult it will be for them.


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