Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
Der Zug ist pünktlich angekommen.
The train arrived on time.

50.3 There are, in addition, a number of characteristic adverbial endings which are added to
the simple adjective. The most common are: -e, -erweise, -lang, -lich, -s, -wärts, -weise:

Wie lange wohnen Sie schon in Bonn?
How long have you lived in Bonn?

Glücklicherweise ist nichts passiert.
Fortunately nothing happened.

Sie haben stundenlang darüber diskutiert.
They spent hours discussing it.

Das hast du aber sicherlich schon gemacht, oder?
But you’ve surely done that already, haven’t you?

Wir treffen uns meistens abends/vormittags/montags. (NB small
letters because they are adverbs)
We usually meet in the evenings/mornings/on Mondays.

Er fuhr rückwärts in die Garage.
He reversed (the car) into the garage.

In der 9. Klasse lernt man Französisch, wahlweise auch Russisch.
You study French in Year 9 and you can also take Russian as an option.

 See also^56 (pp. 141–2).

50.4 Hin and her are added to several prepositions as a prefix (e.g. hinüber, herbei,
hingegen, herauf) and to a small number of adverbs of place as a suffix (e.g. dorthin,
hierher). They indicate motion to (her) or motion away from (hin) the speaker
(see also 80.7):

Kommen Sie herein.
Come in.

Wir gingen die Treppe hinauf.
We went up the stairs.

Gehen Sie hier die Straße hinunter.
Go down this street.

Sie liefen dorthin.
They ran there.

Komm hierher!
Come here!

Notice also the hybrid form gehen Sie ’raus! ‘get out!’ (see 58 ).

Often hin and her simply serve to reinforce the meaning of the preposition:

Sie rannte aus dem Haus hinaus.
She ran out of the house.

 See 18.2–3 (pp. 24–5), 19.4–5 (pp. 27–8).

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