Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
Compare the impersonal use of the passive (see 40.2c).

Gegenüber dem Bahnhof wird jetzt gebaut.
There is building going on across from the station.

In der Kneipe an der Ecke wird jeden Freitag getanzt.
There is dancing every Friday at the pub on the corner.

Vor dem Fest musste gekocht und gebacken werden.
Before the festival we had to cook and bake.

78 Describing origins and provenance

 See 75.8c (p. 247) for describing what things are made of and 82.2 (p. 297) on ‘Cause’ for
further vocabulary relating to origins.

78.1 Geographical origin

Geographical origin can be rendered by kommen aus, her *kommen aus/von or its
related noun -e Herkunft.

(a) Asking where something is from

Die Herkunft dieser Antiquität lässt sich nicht mehr feststellen.
The place of origin/provenance of this antique can no longer be

Man kann nicht mehr feststellen, woher diese Vasen kommen.
We can no longer be sure where the vases came from.

Die Äpfel kommen aus Südafrika.
The apples come from South Africa.

(b) Asking about someone’s place of origin

Woher kommen Sie?
Where do you come from?

(The question usually implies ‘What is your country/town, etc. of origin?’ unless there
is reference to a specific place or time.)

Woher kommen Sie gerade?
Where have you (just) come from?

(c) Places where something started

-r Ausgangspunkt (e) ‘starting point’

Exeter war Ausgangspunkt einer berühmten
Exeter was the starting point of a famous voyage of discovery.

(d) Direction something/someone is coming from

aus Richtung ‘from the direction of’

Describing origins/provenance
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