Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
Die Gäste waren schon alle da, als der Fotograf kam.
The guests were already there when the the photographer arrived.

Mir wird immer ganz warm, wenn ich die Treppen zu meinem Büro
I always get quite warm when I climb the stairs to my office.

Uli ging gestern Abend in die Kneipe, obwohl er kein Geld hatte.
Uli went to the pub yesterday evening even though he didn’t have any

Ich warte hier, bis ich mit meiner Tochter gesprochen habe.
I’ll wait here until I’ve spoken to my daughter.

Weil es heute regnet, dürfen wir nicht draußen spielen.
We cannot play outside today because it’s raining.

 For conjunctions in direct clauses, see^6 (p. 9).

8.4 Sometimes the conjunction dass may be omitted. On such occasions the verb does not
go to the end of the clause:

Ich glaube, dass er gestern krank war.
Ich glaube, er war gestern krank.
I think he was ill yesterday.

 For expressing assumptions using a dass construction, see 89.1 (p. 322).

8.5 Quite often the subordinate clause comes before the main clause. Where this happens,
the subordinate clause is the first idea and the verb in the main clause retains second

Da wir nun mitten in einer Großstadt wohnen, gehen wir selten
Since we now live in the middle of a city we rarely go walking.

Wenn er mir morgen die CD gibt, sage ich euch Bescheid.
If he gives me the CD tomorrow, I’ll let you know.

Note that wenn can be omitted from the subordinate clause by putting the verb

Gibt er mir morgen die CD, sage ich dir Bescheid.

 See also 39.8 (p. 101); see 10.4 (p. 15) on the position of relative clauses.

8.6 When modal verbs (see 35 ) are used in subordinate clauses in tenses other than the
present and simple past, two or three verbs may be grouped together at the end of the
clause. If this happens, the finite verb (usually haben but also in the future tense
werden) is placed in front of the other verbs:

Ich bin sicher, dass wir uns die Reise nächstes Jahr werden leisten
I am sure we will be able to afford the trip next year.

Sie schreibt, dass sie die ganze Arbeit allein hat machen müssen.
She writes to say she has had to do all the work herself.

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