Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

85.4 Second- and third-hand knowledge

To report rumours, hearsay and general gossip, the following are used:

(a) In order to indicate that the speaker distances himself or herself from what he or
she is reporting, sollen is employed (see 35.6b for this special use of the modal verb):

Der Abgeordnete soll schon vor der Trennung untreu gewesen sein.
The MP is said to have been unfaithful even before the separation.

(b) To report gossip
Es hat sich herumgesprochen, wie schnell die Firma Pleite gemacht
Word has spread about how quickly the company went bust.

(c) For rumours

Ich halte die Sache mit der Brandstiftung für ein Gerücht.
I consider this thing about the arson attack to be a rumour.

(d) Reporting things from hearsay

Das weiss ich nur vom Hörensagen.
I only know this from hearsay.

85.5 Not naming sources

In order to avoid naming the person one has information from, the following are used:

sich (= dat.) etw. sagen/raten lassen ‘to have sb. tell/advise one (of) sth.’
sich (= acc.) (in etw.) beraten lassen ‘to seek advice on sth.’
sich (etw./zu etw.) raten lassen ‘to seek advice on sth.’

Ich habe mir sagen lassen, dass die Hormontherapie doch
unbekannte Nebenwirkungen haben könnte.
I have heard that hormone therapy could have unknown side effects
after all.

Wir haben uns ärztlich/juristisch beraten lassen.
We have sought medical/legal advice.

 See also^84 (p. 303) on sources of information; for lassen see also 35.6 (p. 77) and 77.4
(p. 268).

86 Expressing necessity

86.1 Commands, instructions and public notices

Instructions and notices are usually phrased in a neutral and impersonal style. They can
occasionally sound off-putting and hence most of the constructions to be discussed in
this section are for understanding rather than speaking. They are mostly found in
written form, e.g. on noticeboards or in written communication from the authorities.

 See also^92 (p. 333) and^99 (p. 358).

Expressing necessity
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