Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
(c) The use of the dummy subject es (see 42.3g, p. 115) helps to emphasize the subject
when it is this element which conveys new or significant information:

Es fehlten vierzehn Bücher.
Fourteen books were missing.

Es besteht ja die Gefahr, dass er die Wahl verlieren könnte.
There is, of course, a danger that he might lose the election.

(d) This principle of familiar or shared information coming first can result in some
emphatic formulations. This is especially the case when infinitives or past participles
(33.1) come first:

Sprechen will ich ihn nicht. Ich möchte ihm nur diesen Brief geben.
I don’t want to talk to him. I would just like to give him this letter.

Gesehen habe ich sie nicht, nur gehört.
I didn’t see her. I just heard her.

Here the speaker uses this word order to contrast what is expected or assumed
(i.e. talking to him, seeing her) with what is actually the case.

 See also 12.3 (p. 17).

15.2 Final position

(a) Elements can be placed at the end of a sentence for the purposes of emphasis:

Heute Abend sah mich zum Glück keiner.
Fortunately no one saw me this evening.

The resultant style is often quite formal:

Nach vielen erfolgreichen Jahren als Personalleiter der Firma tritt
nun in den Ruhestand unser alter Freund und langjähriger Kollege
Willi Ruttkamp.
After many successful years as the firm’s Personnel Director our old
friend and long-time colleague Willi Ruttkamp is now retiring.

The same emphasis can be applied to elements that complete the verb:

Nach langem Streben und Warten wurde Emil Hauptmann in seiner
alten Heimatstadt endlich Bürgermeister.
After much effort and having waited for so long, Emil Hauptmann finally
became mayor in his old home town.

 See 28.6 (p. 50).

(b) This practice may sometimes override accepted rules such as the indirect object
preceding the direct object (see 12.1):

Wir zeigten unsere Arbeit den Besuchern aus Japan.
We showed the visitors from Japan our work.

(Here the people being shown the work are considered more important than the work

Flexible word order and emphasis
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