Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1


NOTE The references are to sections, not to pages

a 22
ab 19.4
abbreviations for literature references 84.5b;
abbreviated prepositional forms 18.3, 19.5,
ability 87; mental 87.1; physical 87.1; power to
bring sth. about 87.2; resulting from an
effort 87.2; skills 87.3
absence 70; being missed and missing sth. 70.2;
cancelled or failing to happen 70.5; lack
and shortage 70.3
abstract nouns 23.2b
academic referencing 84.5
accent, see stress 4
accepting: an apology 68.3; help and advice
91.4; an invitation or offer 96.3;
suggestions 98
accompanying sb. 69.5
accusative see cases 18; declension 22.2;
personal pronouns in the acc. 30.2;
prepositions taking the acc. 18.2; time
expressions using the acc. 18.4; two-case
prepositions 18.3; two acc. objects 18.8;
weak masculine nouns 28.2
ach so 117.3
achievements 112.3
acquaintances 61.6
acronyms, gender of 26.2
action 76.1 see also processes: explaining an
action 79.5; justifying an action 79.6;
origin of action 78.6
active voice/sentence 40.1
adjectival nouns see adjectival declination 28.5
adjectival phrases/extended adjectives 49, 58.1;
use for definitions 75.1
adjectives 43–48; attributive adjectives/
adjectives in front of nouns 43.2; changes
in adjectives 47.2; comparison of
adjectives 48; declension 28.5; endings

28.5; extended adjectives/adjectival
phrases 49, 58.1; interrogative adjective
(welcher 44.2); mixed declension 45;
adjectives used as nouns 28.5; possessive
adjectives 30.3; predicative 43.1,
48.5; strong/zero declension 46; weak
declension 44
adjectives with prepositions 47.4; with sein/
werden + dat. 19.9; with the gen. 20.3
adjective or adverb? 43.2a
adopting children 74.9e
adverb and adverbials 5.2, 50; characteristic
endings 50.3; degree 50.1; expressions of
measurement and value + acc. 18.6;
adverbial expressions + gen. 20.6;
interrogative adverb 9; manner 50.1; place
50.1; time 50.1; time – manner – place
rule/order 11.1–4
adverbial phrases 5.2, 50; used in functions
e.g. 81
advice: accepting 91.4; offering 91.3
after 81.13b
agents: avoiding description of 77
ago 81.2
agreeing with someone 109
agreement of noun and adjectives 43, 44
aid 91.5
Akademiker 101.2b
akademisch 101.2b
alle + der-declension 44.3
allerdings 117.1
alles 10.5; + der-declension 44.4; as relative
pronoun 50.5a
alles, was 10.5
alphabet see letters and sounds 1; capital letters
59.1; consonants 3; diphthongs 2; vowels 1
als 8.3; (as a) 23.1c
als (when) 8.3; in comparisons (than) 8.7b,
48.6, 51.2, 81.5e
als (as) in apposition 21.6
als ob 8.3; and (Subjunctive II) 39.2
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