Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

110.12b, c; lassen + sich + verb taking an
acc. object 40.4b
laut as preposition 9.4, 84.1a, 84.4
leaving 62
legal: legal changes 76.8d; legal declaration
100.4; legal obligation 86.2h; legal
proceedings 94.2d, 94.3–4; see rights
Leid tun 65.1, 19.7
leider 92.3
length of time and the acc. 18.4
‘let it be so’ 39.4b
letters: beginning a letter 60.7; finishing a
letter 62.3–4; formal opening 61.11;
postcard greetings 60.8; referring back to
previous correspondence 61.11; signing
off 62.3; thanking formally 67.3; thanking
in advance 62.3; see also alphabet
liability 86.2e

  • lich 40.4c, 55.1
    likes and dislikes of food 63.6b; compliments
    64; of people 104.2, using gefallen 19.7,
    104.2a–b; praising 104.1; things 104.2
    literary references (abbreviations) 84.5
    loan 71.6
    locating 69.3, 80.1–2; asking ‘where’ 80.1;
    covering areas 80.4; covering distances
    80.4; describing distances 80.3; direction
    80.5; following/preceding 80.6; ‘here’,
    ‘there’ 80.2; spatial sequences 80.8;
    speaker’s perspective 80.7

making an offer 96.2
mal 75.3c, 117.1c
man: declension of 31.4, 39.5, 40.4a, 77.2, 10.6
manage to do sth. 87.3
manche + zero declension 46.4
mancher 24.1b, 44.2
manches 10.5; manches, was 10.5
manner 10.1
marrying 74.9f
masculine 25
matching 75.3d
measuring, measurements 18.6, 21.2, 25.6g,
medical conditions 110, 23.2k; medical
investigation 110.12c
medication 110.12
meeting 74.10
mehrere + zero declension 46.4
mein as possessive adjective 30.3
meiner, meins 30.3, 43
meinetwegen 30.2c

-e Meinung 107, 109.1
memories 102.3
messages: passing on messages 85.3
Milliarde 21.5
Million 21.5
missing 70.2
mit 19.4
mit anderen Worten 5.3
mixed nouns see weak nouns with ‘ns’ in the
gen. singular 28.2b
mixed verbs 33.6
möchte, see mögen 35.2; forms 35.2, 35.1, 39;
in polite questions and suggestions 91.3;
in wishes 93.1
modal particles 117.1
modal verbs 35; brauchen 93.1 meaning 35.6;
modal and infinitive 35.1; past participle
35.3; past tense 35.2; past tense in the
subjunctive 39.3; special meaning of
modal verbs in the subjunctive 39.3; in
reported speech 39.5d; tense forms 35.2;
subjunctive forms 35.8; used with passive
40.4d; used as principle verbs 35.5; word
order 5.2e, 5.4, 8.6, 35.3
mögen: forms 35.2; meaning 35.6, 89.1, 93.1,
monologues 121; closing words 121.3; formally
introducing a speaker 121.1; giving an
overview 121.4; OHP and slide
presentations 121.5; opening words 121.2;
thanking the audience 121.3d
moods 111; general 111.1; grief and mourning
111.3b, f, j; joy and happiness 111.2;
negative moods 111.3; sadness 111.3;
sorrow 111.3; yearning 111.3; see also
muss gewesen sein/muss gesagt haben 35.8
müssen: forms 35.2; in assumptions 84.4; in
obligations 86; in polite questions 91.4;
in reported speech 84.4; meaning 35.6,
86.1–2, 89.1; nicht müssen 35.7, 86.4
müsste/dürfte/sollte/möchte/wollte 39.3d,
müsste eigentlich 113.3c
must not 35.7, 86.1, 99

na 5.3
nach 19.4, 84.1, 84.4
nachdem 8.3, 34.6, 34.8; + pluperfect 34.8;
+ perfect tense 34.6c
Näheres 119.6c
nämlich 79.2


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