Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

naja 117.2, 117.1c
names: buildings 23.2j; countries 23.2d, g;
famous people (and the article) 23.2g;
personal (and the article) 23.g; streets
nämlich 79.2, 117.1c, 119.1
nationality and the article 23.1b
neben 18.3, 19.5
necessity 86; commands 86.1; instructions
77.5, 86.1; obligation 86.2; see also
obligation; public notices 86.1
need not 35.7, 86.4–5
needs 93; different types of need 93.2;
enquiring after need 93.4; satisfying needs
negation see kein, nein, nicht, nichts,
niemand; negating objects and actions
109.4; negating occurrence 70.1; using
un- 47.5; negative moods 111.3
negative article see kein, negative prefix
un- 47.5; negative moods 111.3
nein 5.3
nennen + nom. 17.2
neuter 25.5–6
nicht: position 13; before adverbs of manner
11; nicht as filler 117.1a; nicht so ... wie
105.2; dislikes 104.2
nicht mehr 81.6
nicht müssen 35.6b, 35.7, 86.4–5
nicht (zu) brauchen 35.7, 86.4–5
nicht ... sondern 6.1, 13.3, 110.12d
nicht wahr? 117.1
nichts 10.5; + zero declension 46.3
niemand 31.5
noch nicht 81.7
nominative case 17; functions using nom. case
non-declinable adjectives 47.3
non-verbal language: ways of attracting
attention 90.5
noun 25, 42; abstract nouns 23.2b; compound
nouns 26; noun declensions 28; feminine
nouns 25.3; formation of nouns 54;
genders of nouns 25–7; masculine nouns
25.1; neuter nouns 25.5, 25.6; plurals 29;
qualifying other nouns 21.2–5; strong
declension of nouns 28.1; weak
declension of nouns 28.2; word order of
nouns 12.1
noun + verb (formal style) 58.1; nouns
independent of verb 17.3
noun phrase 5.2, 42.3a–b; in apposition 21.2

now 81.1
number 75; numbers in context 75.3; fractions
75.6; number + noun 21.5; ordinal (first,
second, etc.) 59.6, 75.9; capital or small
letter 59.1e; commas in numbers 59.5d;
number and gender in pronouns 30.1;
singular or plural 29
nun 5.3, 117.1c

ob 8.3
obgleich 8.3
obituary notice 65.3c
object: noun and pronoun 12; direct objects,
see acc. 18; indirect object, see dat. 19;
dat. and acc. objects with reflexive verbs
37.3; order of objects 12
objecting 94; complaining rudely 94.2c;
demanding one’s rights 94.3 see also
rights; making complaints 94.2; putting
sb. right in a polite way 94.1; taking a
complaint to court 94.2d
objects 75; a state 75.4; alterations 75.3e;
definitions 75.1; describing a state
75.4; dimension 75.3; fitting and
matching 75.3d; parameter 75.3;
power/strength 75.3f; quality 75.8;
quantity 75.4; shape 75.2; size 75.3;
weight 75.3
obligation 86.2; absence of 86.4; acting
contrary to 86.3; different types 86.2;
freeing sb. from 86.5; legal or contractual
obwohl 8.3
occurring 69.2; negating occurrence 10.1
of 21.4
offering: accepting and declining advice 91.3,
an offer 96.2–3
ohne 18.2; ohne dass/ohne... zu 8.3
OHP and slide presentations 121.5
OK 117.2
omitting dass 8.4; the infinitive 35.5; letters
59.5c; wenn see wenn omitted
opening words 121.2; open channel 117
opinion 107; see also agreement, convictions,
disagreement, indifference
order of adverbials 11
ordering food and drink 63.3
origin 78; by birth 78.4; chronological 78.2;
of action 78.6
ought to (but doesn’t) 35.6b, 39.3d, 113.3c
out-of-date 70.4e, 81.6
overview 121.4


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