Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

pain 110.11
parameter 75.3
participle 86.1; used as attributive adjective 49;
see also present participle; past participle
33.1b, 35.3
parts of the body 23.2e
passing on disease 110.10; passing on messages
85.3; passing on things 78.8;
passive + impersonal subject es 40.2c
passive voice basics 40; in instructions 86.1d;
passive with werden 40.2; von and durch
40.3; passive with sein/statal passive
40.2b; with modals 40.4d
passive voice alternatives 40.4;
past participle 5.1, 5.2, 33.1, 49; of modal verbs
35.3; position of 5.4
past perfect tense 33.3
past tense see also simple past; events in the
past 81.2, 81.5; formation of past tense
33; no longer possible 81.6; use of past
tense 34.5
patience: requesting patience 90.4
patterns 75.7; sentence patterns 42
perceptions, sensory 77.3
perfect tense: forms 33.3; choice of auxiliary
(haben or sein) 33.8; use of the perfect
34.6; word order 5.4
permission 97; consent 97.1; seeking
permission 97.1
person (third person) 33.9
personal details 61.10, 73.2 see also identifying:
family relationships 74.9; professions 74.7;
social relationships 74.8
personal pronouns 30.2; order of personal
pronouns 12.2
perspective 80.7
place/order of adverbs 11
pleasure 115; being cheerful 115.5; doing
things for fun 115.6; enjoying the taste
115.4; enjoying things 115.3; feeling like
doing sth. 115.7; giving pleasure 115.2;
having pleasant feelings 115.5; being
pleased 111.29
pluperfect tense 33.3, 34.8
plurals 29
point in time and the acc. 18.4
polite questions and suggestions 91.3
polite requests using subjunctive 39.2b;
requesting attention 90.2; requesting
more detail 119.6; replying to a request for
help 91.2; requesting patience 90.4; using
bitte 92

possession using gen. 20.1
possessive adjectives 30.3
possessive pronouns 30
possibility 89; really did happen 35.8
praising 104.1
preceding 80.6
predicative adjectives 43.1, 48.5; versus
attributive 43.2
preferring 105; gradation pattern 105.1;
making comparisons 105.2
prefixes of adjectives 55.2; prefixes of nouns
54.1; prefixes of verbs 57
prefixes: double prefix 36.2c; inseparable prefix
36.2; position of separable prefixes 5.5;
separable prefix 36.1, 57.2; variable prefixes
36.3, 57.3
prepositions: prepositions taking the acc. 18.2;
prepositions taking the dat. 19.4;
prepositions taking the dat. or the acc./
two-case prepositions 18.3; prepositions
taking the gen. 20.7; prepositions
implying rest or movement at a place 19.5;
da- and wo- compounds 32, 38.2, 50.5;
prepositions after adjectives 47.4
prepositional verbs 38; prepositional verb
completion 38.2, 42
prescription 110.12d
presence 69.1
present participle 33.1, 49
present perfect tense: see perfect tense
present tense: forms 33.3; use of present tense
34.2; use of present tense for ‘eternal’
truths 76.11; for future 34.2c
presents 96.1c
principal parts of verbs 33.9, 54.4
probability 89; assumptions in a scientific
context 89.2; conditions 89.3; hypothesis
89.4; simple assumptions 89.1; really did
happen 35.8
problems in restaurants 63.4; complaints see
procedure 76.1
processes 76; agent of process 77; continuation
76.4; end 76.9; hindering a process 76.9e;
next step 76.5; repetition 76.10;
simultaneity 76.6; starting a process 76.3
production 76.1d
profession and the article 23.1b, 74.7, 78.3
promising 95; between people 95.2
pronoun 5.2, 42; + ein-declension 45.2;
indefinite relative pronoun 10.6;
interrogative pronouns (wer, wessen) 30.4;


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