Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

scientific facts 34.2b, 76.11
second- and third-hand knowledge 85.4
second idea or position (of verb) 5.1–2
sehen Sie? 117.1
sei 39.4–6
sein (to be) 33.7a; sein + nom. 17.2; sein + dat.
19.9; sein + gen. 20.5, used in functions
107; sein or haben with the past participle
33.8; subjunctive form 39.4–6
sein as possessive adjective (his) 30.3
seit 8.3, 19.4
seitdem 8.3
sensory perceptions 77.3
sentence patterns 42
separable and inseparable prefix verbs 36, 57
sequence 80.8
shape 75.2
shock 111.3k, 114.6
shortage 70.3
should do (but doesn’t) 35.6b, 39.3d, 113.3c
should have/would have/could have done
Sie 60.1
siezen 60.1
simple past tense: forms 33.3; use of the simple
past 34.5; see also past tense
simultaneity: of a process 76.6; of events 81.12
size 75.3
skills 87.4, 102.4
smelling of 75.8d
so 5.3
so that (so dass/damit) 79.3e
so... wie 48.6
sobald 8.3, 59.4
social status 78.3; relationships 74.8
solange 8.3, 59.4
solch 24.2
solche + der-declension 44.2
solcher 24.1
sollen: forms 35.2; meaning 35.6, 86.1–2; in
obligations 86; in polite questions 91.3; in
reported speech 84.4, 85.4, 88.2
sollte eigentlich 35.6b, 39.3d, 113.3c
solution 94.5
some 23.1e
sondern see nicht... sondern
sorry 19.7, 65, 91.2b, 93.4
sources of information 84; authority 84.2;
enquiring about sources 84.3; literary/
written 84.1; not naming sources 85.5,
speech/style: informal/colloquial 58.2–4;

formal 121, 58.1; direct speech: use
of colon 59.5b; see also reported
speed 76.7
spelling 118.3
spelling reform 59
splitting up words 59.2
spoken cues 118.1, 118.2
ß (Eszett) 59.3, 59.6d
ss or ß 59.3b
starting 76.3c
statal passive (passive with sein) 40.2b
state: condition 75.4
statistics 75.9
stative passive (passive with sein) 40.2b
steht in/bei 84.1
stem 33.5
stock: in stock 71.2
strength 75.3
stress: pronunciation 4; stress in lifestyle 110.1;
relaxation and stress 110.7
strong verbs 33.5
style: formal style 58.1, 121; informal style
58.2, 116.1
subject 42d
subjunctive 39; past tense of Subjunctive II
39.3; Subjunctive I (forms) 39.5, 92.1;
Subjunctive II (forms) 39.1; use of
subjunctive 39.1–2, 39.4, 89.2, 89.4, 90.2,
91.1, 91.3; for assumptions in scientific
context 85
subordinate clauses 8, 10
subordinating conjunctions 8.2–3
suffering 111.3
sufficient 112.4
suffixes of adjectives 55.1
suffixes of nouns 54.3
suggestions: giving, accepting, declining 98;
making polite 39.2
superlative 48
support 91.5
suppositions 89.1, 34.3–4
surprise 88.3, 114; astonishment 114.4;
improbable/unexpected 88.3; awe 114.4;
hardly believing the news 114.3; in
general 114.1; incomprehension 114.5;
unforeseen events 114.2
sympathizing 65.1

taking leave 62; taking place 69.3; taking turns
tasting of 75.8d


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