Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
am Bodensee
by/near Lake Constance

östlich des Genfer Sees
to the east of Lake Geneva

auf dem Mars
on Mars

(j) With the names of streets and buildings:

Fahren Sie die Beethovenallee entlang.
Drive along Beethoven Avenue.

Er ging über den Potsdamer Platz.
He crossed Potsdam Square.

In addresses, however, the article is omitted:

Wir wohnen Bahnhofstraße 57.
We live at 57 Bahnhofstraße.

But note that some streets include the article in the name: An den Fichten 2.

(k) With certain medical conditions:

Er leidet an einer Lungenentzündung.
He suffers from pneumonia.

 See^38 (pp. 90–3).

(l) In several common phrases:

aus dem Bett ‘out of bed’
im Allgemeinen ‘in general’

 See 59.7 (p. 155).

in der Kirche ‘in church’
in der Schule ‘at school’
in der Stadt ‘in town’
in der Tat ‘in (actual) fact’
mit dem Bus, Zug, usw. ‘by bus, train, etc.’
mit der Post ‘by post’
zur Kirche ‘to church’
zur Schule ‘to school’

24 Determiners

Determiners that decline like the definite article will be referred to here as ‘der
words’; and those which decline like the indefinite article as ‘ein words’ (see also
section 46 ).

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