A Treatise of Human Nature
BOOK II PART II manner, cause either hatred, or pride, or con- tempt, according to the light in which we sur- vey them. That the ...
BOOK II PART II tion; that is, from a comparison. I have already observed, that the mind has a much stronger propensity to pride ...
BOOK II PART II it rouzes at the least call; while humility re- quires a stronger impulse to make it exert itself. But here it m ...
BOOK II PART II the mixt passions of respect and contempt. I have supposed all along, that the passions of love and pride, and t ...
BOOK II PART II sary to form a distinct idea. Let us remember, that pride and hatred invigorate the soul; and love and humility ...
BOOK II PART II humility and hatred, according to its different situations, yet it seldom produces either the two former or the ...
BOOK II PART II duce love, but imperfectly to excite pride; this object, belonging to another, gives rise directly to a great de ...
BOOK II PART II a distance such as we contemn, and allow not our inferiors to approach too near even in place and situation. It ...
BOOK II PART II a rich man and a poor one, a nobleman and a porter, in that situation. This uneasiness, which is common to every ...
BOOK II PART II ial it may appear, is founded on natural prin- ciples of the imagination. A great difference inclines us to prod ...
BOOK II PART II SECTIONXI. OF THEAMOROUSPASSION, ORLOVE BETWIXT THESEXES Of all the compound passions, which pro- ceed from a mi ...
BOOK II PART II The appetite of generation, when confined to a certain degree, is evidently of the pleas- ant kind, and has a st ...
BOOK II PART II nate ones, which are connected with it, and to which if other desires are parallel, they are by that means relat ...
BOOK II PART II petite for generation. From these two relations, viz, resemblance and a parallel desire, there arises such a con ...
BOOK II PART II into the bodily appetite. Kindness or esteem, and the appetite to generation, are too remote to unite easily tog ...
BOOK II PART II person never inspires us with love for another. This then is a sensible proof of the double re- lation of impres ...
BOOK II PART II urally turns the view to a certain object. But this not being sufficient to produce the passion, there is requir ...
BOOK II PART II where it has only a distinct object, without any determinate cause? ...
BOOK II PART II SECTIONXII. OF THELOVE ANDHATRED OFANIMALS But to pass from the passions of love and hatred, and from their mixt ...
BOOK II PART II farther, and comprehends almost every sensi- ble and thinking being. A dog naturally loves a man above his own s ...
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