place the points in the same order with re-
spect to each other, but also bestow on them
that precise colour, with which alone we are ac-
quainted. But afterwards having experience of
the other colours of violet, green, red, white,
black, and of all the different compositions of
these, and finding a resemblance in the disposi-
tion of coloured points, of which they are com-
posed, we omit the peculiarities of colour, as far
as possible, and found an abstract idea merely
on that disposition of points, or manner of ap-
pearance, in which they agree. Nay even when
the resemblance is carryed beyond the objects
of one sense, and the impressions of touch are
found to be Similar to those of sight in the dis-
position of their parts; this does not hinder the
abstract idea from representing both, upon ac-
count of their resemblance. All abstract ideas
are really nothing but particular ones, consid-