A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


ing after them. To make the parallel betwixt
hunting and philosophy more compleat, we
may observe, that though in both cases the end
of our action may in itself be despised, yet in
the heat of the action we acquire such an atten-
tion to this end, that we are very uneasy under
any disappointments, and are sorry when we
either miss our game, or fall into any error in
our reasoning.

If we want another parallel to these affec-
tions, we may consider the passion of gaming,
which affords a pleasure from the same prin-
ciples as hunting and philosophy. It has been
remarked, that the pleasure of gaming arises
not from interest alone; since many leave a sure
gain for this entertainment: Neither is it de-
rived from the game alone; since the same per-
sons have no satisfaction, when they play for

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