A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


ple and indivisible point? No wonder if my
answer appear somewhat new, since the ques-
tion itself has scarce ever yet been thought of.
We are wont to dispute concerning the nature
of mathematical points, but seldom concerning
the nature of their ideas.

The idea of space is conveyed to the mind
by two senses, the sight and touch; nor does
anything ever appear extended, that is not ei-
ther visible or tangible. That compound im-
pression, which represents extension, consists
of several lesser impressions, that are indivis-
ible to the eye or feeling, and may be called
impressions of atoms or corpuscles endowed
with colour and solidity. But this is not all. It
is not only requisite, that these atoms should
be coloured or tangible, in order to discover
themselves to our senses; it is also necessary

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