A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


ties, whose remedies are remote and obscure,
another necessity, which having a present and
more obvious remedy, may justly be regarded
as the first and original principle of human so-
ciety. This necessity is no other than that nat-
ural appetite betwixt the sexes, which unites
them together, and preserves their union, till a
new tye takes place in their concern for their
common offspring. This new concern becomes
also a principle of union betwixt the parents
and offspring, and forms a more numerous so-
ciety; where the parents govern by the advan-
tage of their superior strength and wisdom,
and at the same time are restrained in the ex-
ercise of their authority by that natural affec-
tion, which they bear their children. In a little
time, custom and habit operating on the tender
minds of the children, makes them sensible of
the advantages, which they may reap from so-

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