A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


others, were they placed in a like situation.

But though this generosity must be acknowl-
edged to the honour of human nature, we may
at the same time remark, that so noble an affec-
tion, instead of fitting men for large societies, is
almost as contrary to them, as the most narrow
selfishness. For while each person loves him-
self better than any other single person, and in
his love to others bears the greatest affection to
his relations and acquaintance, this must nec-
essarily produce an oppositon of passions, and
a consequent opposition of actions; which can-
not but be dangerous to the new-established

It is however worth while to remark, that
this contrariety of passions would be attended
with but small danger, did it not concur with
a peculiarity in our outward circumstances,

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