A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


They present themselves at the same time to
the conception; and instead of requiring any
new reason for their conjunction, it would re-
quire a very powerful reason to make us over-
look this natural affinity. This we shall have oc-
casion to explain more fully afterwards, when
we come to treat of beauty. In the mean time,
we may content ourselves with observing, that
the same love of order and uniformity, which
arranges the books in a library, and the chairs
in a parlour, contribute to the formation of soci-
ety, and to the well-being of mankind, by mod-
ifying the general rule concerning the stability
of possession. And as property forms a rela-
tion betwixt a person and an object, it is natu-
ral to found it on some preceding relation; and
as property Is nothing but a constant posses-
sion, secured by the laws of society, it is natural
to add it to the present possession, which is a

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