A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


placed upon the table three bottles of wine,
Rhenish, Burgundy and Port; and suppose they
shoued fall a quarrelling about the division of
them; a person, who was chosen for umpire
would naturally, to shew his impartiality, give
every one the product of his own country: And
this from a principle, which, in some measure,
is the source of those laws of nature, that as-
cribe property to occupation, prescription and

In all these Cases, and particularly that of ac-
cession, there is first a natural union betwixt
the Idea of the person and that of the object,
and afterwards a new and moral union pro-
duced by that right or property, which we as-
cribe to the person. But here there occurs a
difficulty, which merits our attention, and may
afford us an opportunity of putting to tryal

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