by an exact numeration, that an inch has fewer
points than a foot, or a foot fewer than an ell or
any greater measure: for which reason we sel-
dom or never consider this as the standard of
equality or inequality.
As to those, who imagine, that extension is
divisible in infinitum, it is impossible they can
make use of this answer, or fix the equality of
any line or surface by a numeration of its com-
ponent parts. For since, according to their hy-
pothesis, the least as well as greatest figures
contain an infinite number of parts; and since
infinite numbers, properly speaking, can nei-
ther be equal nor unequal with respect to each
other; the equality or inequality of any portions
of space can never depend on any proportion
in the number of their parts. It is true, it may
be said, that the inequality of an ell and a yard