A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


promises, is impossible, without submission to
government. As there are here two interests en-
tirely distinct from each other, they must give
rise to two moral obligations, equally separate
and independent. Though there was no such
thing as a promise in the world, government
would still be necessary in all large and civi-
lized societies; and if promises had only their
own proper obligation, without the separate
sanction of government, they would have but
little efficacy in such societies. This separates
the boundaries of our public and private du-
ties, and shews that the latter are more depen-
dant on the former, than the former on the lat-
ter. Education, and the artifice of politicians,
concur to bestow a farther morality on loyalty,
and to brand all rebellion with a greater degree
of guilt and infamy. Nor is it a wonder, that
politicians should be very industrious in incul-

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