A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


crime at the same age as any other, which is
criminal, of itself, without our consent; that is,
when the person is come to the full use of rea-
son: Whereas to this crime they ought in jus-
tice to allow some intermediate time, in which
a tacit consent at least might be supposed. To
which we may add, that a man living under
an absolute government, would owe it no al-
legiance; since, by its very nature, it depends
not on consent. But as that is as natural and
common a government as any, it must certainly
occasion some obligation; and it is plain from
experience, that men, who are subjected to it,
do always think so. This is a clear proof, that
we do not commonly esteem our allegiance to
be derived from our consent or promise; and a
farther proof is, that when our promise is upon
any account expressly engaged, we always dis-
tinguish exactly betwixt the two obligations,

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