A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


ples, on which it is founded. Few persons can
carry on this train of reasoning:

Government is a mere human invention for
the interest of society. Where the tyranny of the
governor removes this interest, it also removes
the natural obligation to obedience. The moral
obligation is founded on the natural, and there-
fore must cease where that ceases; especially
where the subject is such as makes us foresee
very many occasions wherein the natural obli-
gation may cease, and causes us to form a kind
of general rule for the regulation of our conduct
in such occurrences.

But though this train of reasoning be too sub-
tile for the vulgar, it is certain, that all men have
an implicit notion of it, and are sensible, that
they owe obedience to government merely on
account of the public interest; and at the same

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