A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


no foundation in nature for all that exterior
modesty, which we require in the expressions,
and dress, and behaviour of the fair sex. I be-
lieve I may spare myself the trouble of insist-
ing on so obvious a subject, and may proceed,
without farther preparation, to examine after
what manner such notions arise from educa-
tion, from the voluntary conventions of men,
and from the interest of society.

Whoever considers the length and feebleness
of human infancy, with the concern which both
sexes naturally have for their offspring, will
easily perceive, that there must be an union
of male and female for the education of the
young, and that this union must be of consid-
erable duration. But in order to induce the men
to impose on themselves this restraint, and un-
dergo chearfully all the fatigues and expences,

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