A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


not the same with regard to the different ages of
women, for this reason, though men know, that
these notions are founded on the public inter-
est, yet the general rule carries us beyond the
original principle, and makes us extend the no-
tions of modesty over the whole sex, from their
earliest infancy to their extremest old-age and

Courage, which is the point of honour
among men, derives its merit, in a great mea-
sure, from artifice, as well as the chastity of
women; though it has also some foundation in
nature, as we shall see afterwards.

As to the obligations which the male sex lie
under, with regard to chastity, we may observe,
that according to the general notions of the
world, they bear nearly the same proportion to
the obligations of women, as the obligations of

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