A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


body and of fortune, produce a pain or plea-
sure from the very same principles. The ten-
dency of any object to be useful to the person
possess d of it, or to others; to convey pleasure
to him or to others; all these circumstances con-
vey an immediate pleasure to the person, who
considers the object, and command his love
and approbation.

To begin with the advantages of the body;
we may observe a phaenomenon, which might
appear somewhat trivial and ludicrous, if any
thing coued be trivial, which fortified a conclu-
sion of such importance, or ludicrous, which
was employed in a philosophical reasoning.
It is a general remark, that those we call
good women’s men, who have either signal-
ized themselves by their amorous exploits, or
whose make of body promises any extraordi-

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