A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


the beauty of men, as well as of other animals,
consists in such a conformation of members,
as we find by experience to be attended with
strength and agility, and to capacitate the crea-
ture for any action or exercise. Broad shoul-
ders, a lank belly, firm joints, taper legs; all
these are beautiful in our species because they
are signs of force and vigour, which being ad-
vantages we naturally sympathize with, they
convey to the beholder a share of that satisfac-
tion they produce in the possessor.

So far as to the utility, which may attend any
quality of the body. As to the immediate plea-
sure, it is certain, that an air of health, as well
as of strength and agility, makes a considerable
part of beauty; and that a sickly air in another is
always disagreeable, upon account of that idea
of pain and uneasiness, which it conveys to us.

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