A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


On the other hand, we are pleased with the reg-
ularity of our own features, though it be neither
useful to ourselves nor others; and it is neces-
sary at a distance, to make it convey to us any
satisfaction. We commonly consider ourselves
as we appear in the eyes of others, and sym-
pathize with the advantageous sentiments they
entertain with regard to us.

How far the advantages of fortune produce
esteem and approbation from the same princi-
ples, we may satisfy ourselves by reflecting on
our precedent reasoning on that subject. We
have observed, that our approbation of those,
who are possess d of the advantages of fortune,
may be ascribed to three different causes. First,
To that immediate pleasure, which a rich man
gives us, by the view of the beautiful cloaths,
equipage, gardens, or houses, which he pos-

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