A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


immediate consciousness. All men have ever
allowed reasoning to be merely an operation
of our thoughts or ideas; and however those
ideas may be varied to the feeling, there is
nothing ever enters into our conclusions but
ideas, or our fainter conceptions. For instance;
I hear at present a person’s voice, whom I am
acquainted with; and this sound comes from
the next room. This impression of my senses
immediately conveys my thoughts to the per-
son, along with all the surrounding objects. I
paint them out to myself as existent at present,
with the same qualities and relations, that I for-
merly knew them possessed of. These ideas
take faster hold of my mind, than the ideas of
an inchanted castle. They are different to the
feeling; but there is no distinct or separate im-
pression attending them. It is the same case
when I recollect the several incidents of a jour-

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