A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


house (I mean the old building of Hostilius, not
this new one; when it was enlarged, it dimin-
ished in my estimation), I used to think of Sci-
pio, Cato, Laelius and in particular of my own

“Such is the power of places to evoke asso-
ciations; so it is with good reason that they are
used as a basis for memory training.”}

No one can doubt but causation has the same
influence as the other two relations; of resem-
blance and contiguity. Superstitious people are
fond of the relicks of saints and holy men, for
the same reason that they seek after types and
images, in order to enliven their devotion, and
give them a more intimate and strong concep-
tion of those exemplary lives, which they de-
sire to imitate. Now it is evident, one of the
best relicks a devotee coued procure, would be

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