A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


ceeds probability, I may safely affirm, that there
scarce is any proposition concerning numbers,
of which we can have a fuller security. For it
is easily possible, by gradually diminishing the
numbers, to reduce the longest series of addi-
tion to the most simple question, which can be
formed, to an addition of two single numbers;
and upon this supposition we shall find it im-
practicable to shew the precise limits of knowl-
edge and of probability, or discover that par-
ticular number, at which the one ends and the
other begins. But knowledge and probability
are of such contrary and disagreeing natures,
that they cannot well run insensibly into each
other, and that because they will not divide, but
must be either entirely present, or entirely ab-
sent. Besides, if any single addition were cer-
tain, every one would be so, and consequently
the whole or total sum; unless the whole can be

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