A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


tinued existence of body depends on theco-
herence, andconstancyof certain impressions,
I now proceed to examine after what man-
ner these qualities give rise to so extraordinary
an opinion. To begin with the coherence; we
may observe, that though those internal im-
pressions, which we regard as fleeting and per-
ishing, have also a certain coherence or regular-
ity in their appearances, yet it is of somewhat a
different nature, from that which we discover
in bodies. Our passions are found by experi-
ence to have a mutual connexion with and de-
pendence on each other; but on no occasion is
it necessary to suppose, that they have existed
and operated, when they were not perceived,
in order to preserve the same dependence and
connexion, of which we have had experience.
The case is not the same with relation to ex-
ternal objects. Those require a continued exis-

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