A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


how can we justify to ourselves any belief we
repose in them?

This sceptical doubt, both with respect to
reason and the senses, is a malady, which can
never be radically cured, but must return upon
us every moment, however we may chace it
away, and sometimes may seem entirely free
from it. It is impossible upon any system to de-
fend either our understanding or senses; and
we but expose them farther when we endeav-
our to justify them in that manner. As the scep-
tical doubt arises naturally from a profound
and intense reflection on those subjects, it al-
ways encreases, the farther we carry our reflec-
tions, whether in opposition or conformity to
it. Carelessness and in-attention alone can af-
ford us any remedy. For this reason I rely en-
tirely upon them; and take it for granted, what-

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