A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


we choose the first part of the dilemma, these
are the consequences. First, We in reality af-
firm, that there is no such thing in the universe
as a cause or productive principle, not even the
deity himself; since our idea of that supreme
Being is derived from particular impressions,
none of which contain any efficacy, nor seem to
have any connexion with any other existence.
As to what may be said, that the connexion be-
twixt the idea of an infinitely powerful being,
and that of any effect, which he wills, is neces-
sary and unavoidable; I answer, that we have
no idea of a being endowed with any power,
much less of one endowed with infinite power.
But if we will change expressions, we can only
define power by connexion; and then in saying,
that the idea, of an infinitely powerful being is
connected with that of every effect, which he
wills, we really do no more than assert, that

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