A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


human commerce, and left utterly abandoned
and disconsolate. Fain would I run into the
crowd for shelter and warmth; but cannot pre-
vail with myself to mix with such deformity. I
call upon others to join me, in order to make
a company apart; but no one will hearken to
me. Every one keeps at a distance, and dreads
that storm, which beats upon me from every
side. I have exposed myself to the enmity of
all metaphysicians, logicians, mathematicians,
and even theologians; and can I wonder at the
insults I must suffer? I have declared my dis-
approbation of their systems; and can I be sur-
prized, if they should express a hatred of mine
and of my person? When I look abroad, I
foresee on every side, dispute, contradiction,
anger, calumny and detraction. When I turn
my eye inward, I find nothing but doubt and
ignorance. All the world conspires to oppose

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