A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


concerning pride and humility, and here repeat
it concerning love and hatred; and indeed there
is so great a resemblance betwixt these two sets
of passions, that we shall be obliged to begin
with a kind of abridgment of our reasonings
concerning the former, in order to explain the

As the immediate object of pride and humil-
ity is self or that identical person, of whose
thoughts, actions, and sensations we are inti-
mately conscious; so the object of love and ha-
tred is some other person, of whose thoughts,
actions, and sensations we are not conscious.
This is sufficiently evident from experience.
Our love and hatred are always directed to
some sensible being external to us; and when
we talk of self-love, it is not in a proper sense,
nor has the sensation it produces any thing in

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