A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


teem and contempt, indeed, arise on some oc-
casions instead of love and hatred; but these
are at the bottom the same passions, only diver-
sifyed by some causes, which we shall explain

Fifth Experiment. To give greater author-
ity to these experiments, let us change the
situation of affairs as much as possible, and
place the passions and objects in all the dif-
ferent positions, of which they are suscepti-
ble. Let us suppose, beside the relations above-
mentioned, that the person, along with whom
I make all these experiments, is closely con-
nected with me either by blood or friendship.
He is, we shall suppose, my son or brother, or
is united to me by a long and familiar acquain-
tance. Let us next suppose, that the cause of
the passion acquires a double relation of im-

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