Text 6.
This anonymous poem speaks first of the joys of Paradise
which God offers to the faithful and then mentions three
ways of attaining them: the fasting, which is intensively
practiced during the month of RA~~D.AN, the recitation of
the Quran and the following of the precepts revealed by
the Prophe~. The refrain i~ concerned with glorifying
JaIiiIow AlIa
- AIbaabkii Jannada
2. Firdowsa udgoon
3. Ninkii uriyaa - Ayaan badanaa
5. JaIiilow AlIa
6. AlIa Jaliilow
- Allah!
~. Islaamka bishii
:9. Ilaah ku amree
lb. Adkeeyay ayaan
1.1. U soomannahee
Ii. Jaliilow AlIa
13. AlIa Jaliilow
- AlIa!
- Ayaadka Quraanka
- Qofkii akhriyee
lj. Adeeca RasuuIka