(Chris Devlin) #1

3-A. The Prophet is like a rushing

spring, which is set on an arid plain

  1. May peace be upon you
    ~. 0 Most Gracious of all creatures
    i. May peace be upon you

8. JIBRIL who was sent to him

~. Gave the Prophet a jewel
lb. We came to love him, we reached ecstasy
Ii. And we were elevated to ~he circle of
the Prophet]

  1. May peace be upon you
    lj. 0 Most Gracious of all creatures

  2. May peace he upon you
    lS-I~. The Prophet forbade(16)
    Slander and envy (15)
    17-l~. The Prophet marked for us(18)
    An impassable boundary(17)
    l~. May peace be upon you
    2b. 0 Most Gracious of all creatures
    21. May peace be upon you
    22. The Prophet marked for us
    23. An impassable boundary
    24. The Creator of the prophets
    25. Has ended the Revelation with the Prophet
    2~. May peace be upon you
    2j. 0 Most Gracious of all creatures
    2~. May peace be upon you

2~. The revelation of the Quran

3b. Streamed into the Prophet

31. The cloud that shaded him

3'2. Was placed above him

3j. May peace be upon you

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