36 - 37.
o Most Gracious of all creatures
May peace be upon you
The Prophet became the companion of(37)
The Apostles of God(36)
Truly the Prophet renounced(39)
The comforts of the world(38)
May peace be upon you
o Most Gracious of all creatures
May peace be upon you
Truly the Prophet renounced(44)
The comforts of the world(43)
- The Prophet is, like the pure ZAMZAM
4~. To which people make pilgrimage
47. 0 Prophet, may peace be upon you
4~. 0 Most Gracious of all creatures
49. May peace be upon you
so-si. The Prophet was mentioned(Sl)
In the decrees of the prophets(SO)
52. At the assembly on the Day of Resurrection
53. The Prophet will intercede for us
- May peace be upon you
S~. 0 Most Gracious of all creatures
5~. May peace be upon you
57-5~. The Prophet was described(58)
As someone whose conduct was excellent(57)
59-6.0. The Prophet was placed to rest(60)
On the bed of Paradise(59)
6i. May peace be upon you
6~. 0 Most Gracious of all creatures