(Chris Devlin) #1
Text 9

This poem, which lS composed by sheekh Ismaaciil Faarax

in honour of the Prophet, is akin to the preceding poem.

It speaks of the radiant beauty of the Prophet, his
appearance and his admirable behaviour. It also mentions

some of the miracles (MUcJIZAT) - as signs to weaken un-

belief - which are attributed to him, such as the clouds
which shaded him from the hot sun as he journeyed across

the desert, and the dry wood which became moist and grew

afresh when he touched it.

Yaa Nebii

  1. Ya Nebii assalaatu
    ~. Wa salaamu calaykaa
    .3. Qasiidaan qorayaaye

4. Rabbow hayga qalloocin

~. Yaa Nebii assalaatu

~. Wa salaamu calaykaa

  1. Quruxdii Nebigeennaa

~. Yaa qiyaasi karaaya

~. Ya Nebii assalaatu

lb. Wa salaamu calaykaa

  1. Qorraxdaad aragteen buu
    Ii. Qariyuu ka caddaaday
    13. Ya Nebii assa1aatu
    14. Wa sa1aamu ca1aykaa

1.5. Qoordiidkii timihiisaa

1~. Dhcgahaa loogu qiyaasay

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