(Chris Devlin) #1
12.7 •

o Prophet·

1. 0 Prophet, may the blessing

~. And peace [of God] be upon you

3. I am writing a poem

4. 0 Lord, do not make me digress

5. 0 Prophet, may the blessing

~. And peace ~f God] be upon you
7-8. Who can appraise(8)

The beauty of our Prophet(7)

9. 0 Prophet, may the blessing

  1. And peace [of God] be upon you

11-12. [With his radiance] he dimmed and overshone(12)

The shining sun that you have seen(ll)

13. 0 Prophet, may the blessing

1'4. And peace [0 f God] be upon you

15. His hair was trimmed

l~. To the level of his ears

lj. 0 Prophet, may the blessing

18. And peace [of God] be upon you

l~. If he travelled with a caravan

  1. He put a shadow-casting cloud above it [to
    protect it from the heat of the sum

21. 0 Prophet, may the blessing

i2. And peace [of God] be upon you

2j. A piece of dry wood which he fixed upright

in the ground

  1. Would become moist [and grow]

25. 0 Prophet, may the blessing

  1. And peace [of God] be upon you
    2·7. If a man contended with him

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