(Chris Devlin) #1

7~. Behold the sky, God has done away with the need of a
column to support it and keep it fixed

  1. Behold the sun when it rises and when it sets - God
    is generous in [His providence]

  2. Behold the moon and the stars which are shining in
    the spaces in which God placed them
    7S. Behold the clouds which are amassed and which give

valuable rain

7~. Behold the earth which is spread and upon which one
walks, and then one passes through it, in a boat-

like grave

77. Because we are delirious, we do not turn away from

the [evil] paths trodden by our ancestors

  1. 0 you who toil, the world is transient and its gains

are deficient

  1. 0 you who are proud of your lineage and its might,
    you are like a child who is unaware [of danger] and
    is lost


  1. It is certain that whoever is born in this world, will
    die [in it], and whoever acquired wealth in it will
    leave it

  2. Whether he is born prematurely or within the normal
    time, no one shall exceed the limit of his time set
    up by our Lord
    8.2. Even the rocks have melted and some have sundered
    when they heard the homilies of our Lord
    8.3. 0 son of ADAM you aTe crazed! Does recitation of the
    [Holy] Quran annoy you?

84. Ears to hear, eyes to see and fingers to write with,

have all been granted to you by our Lord

8S. You have been cutting the throats of each other for a

world in which the ancient people had once settled and
which they had left
8~. grave The man and who who is sins expecting gravely [to becomes be] on Satan1s the way progeny to his
8.7. 0 you who do not listen to ihe call of religion but
despise it and do not act on it

88. Burning charcoal will be ladled out into ~our ears

on the Day of Resurrection
~9. Do not listen~o the words which say]: 'Water was
still drawn yesterday from the rain dr6ps which fell
las t year.'
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