(Chris Devlin) #1

5~. On the Day of Resurrection, put the light-shedding

umbrella over us

15.3 •

  1. 0 righteous one, last of the Prophets, the path which
    you have taken is sweetly scented

  2. You will ladle out for us [the sweet wate~ from the
    watering-trough of Paradise for which people have
    5~. 0 you who illumined darkness and yet remained unseen
    6b. 0 remover of injustice, it is you who do not like


61. The Everlasting One has expounded to you the tenets·

of religion

  1. The honour which has been bestowed upon you enriches
    the ulema

63. 0 God, you have the power; allay the anguish[in our


64. You are most zealous person to strengthen the Faith

6~. The Prophet is generous at the assembly of the Day of
6~. 0 God, take us to FIRDAWS, the upper storeys of Paradise

  1. 0 Prophet [you] who take heed of all the poor people

6·8. Give us joy on the day when the questioning is done

6~. When I enter the grave and I am hidden in the burial


7b. Tell me exactly, the word~ which I need [for my] reply

to the Angels

  1. Your heart was opened and all impurities were removed
    from it

  2. Tell me exactly the words which I need [for my] reply
    to the Angels
    i3. 0 summit of religions, 0 most exalted Prophet the Prophets among

74. Remove the obstacles from our way to Paradise

is. We praise you a thousand and one times and thousands

again multiplied

76. Remove the obstacles from our way to Paradise

7·7. The world is transitory; and it is like something that
only lasts for two days
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